✓ React/Django :: DRF, Postgres
✓ MEAN :: Vue, Node, AngularJS
✓ LAMP :: PHP, MySQL, Linux
✓ Ruby on Rails :: Grape, RSpec
✓ Search Analytics :: ElasticSearch
✓ REST API :: Watson, SalesForce
✓ AI/ML/NLP :: TensorFlow.js, XGBoost
✓ TDD :: Jest, Mocha, Pytest, RSpec
✓ Agile :: JIRA, Git, Lint, PRs, Sprints
2022 - 2023
Full Stack Engineer
Collaborated in development of FMLA management software leveraging Django Rest Framework, Python 3.x, React, TypeScript, Postgres, and Docker, used by companies such as Glassdoor, Lionsgate, and Patreon.
2022 - 2022
Backend Engineer
Boosted backend experience with Rails, RSpec, ElasticSearch, Postgres and Docker. Followed test-driven development and an agile continuous-integration workflow via CircleCI and GitHub Actions.
2019 - 2021
Principal Software Engineer
Directed IT and software operations, supervised development
teams and mentored junior devs as part of a fast-paced startup.
2016 - 2019
Full Stack Developer
Developed full-stack web applications and built custom back-ends for flagship products processing millions of records per year.
2014 - 2015
IT Specialist
Full spectrum IT operations covering 400+ employees across the country and a custom system managing millions of users.
Screenshot from AI CODE 101™ demonstrating web-based image training and live recognition within a UI proven to be accessible to children.