Elkton Chiropractic Neurology

Knowledge is good, application is divine.

Meet Dr. Charles

Knowledge is Key

Been in an accident?

Pain may not show up for several days or weeks after an injury and by that time permanent damage can occur.

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Injured on the job?

You and your employer can be assured of a thorough examination, complete documentation along with the expertise to help you recover as fast as possible.

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The three stages of healing

Inflammation, repair and remodeling. If you skip a step you increase your chances of re-injury.

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Conditions I Address

Allergies are an exaggerated and abnormal response by the body to allergens. Food allergies and sensitivities mask many illnesses and conditions.
Your autonomic nervous system plays a role in your bowel function. I will evaluate and treat this condition.
Most patients suffering from thyroid dysfunction have multiple metabolic causes leading to the symptoms and dysfunction they experience. My approach to treating thyroid dysfunction has demonstrated significant success in helping patients to permanently overcome their thyroid problems.
I help strengthen your immune function, treat digestion disorders, oxygenation issues and mitochondrial function to combat chronic fatigue.
I will evaluate for hiatal hernia, H-pylori infection, stomach pH, etc. to determine the cause of your reflux. You may be surprised that it has little to do with too much stomach acid.
I review blood flow abnormalities, blood pressure changes, oxygenation issues and autonomic discrepancies within the nervous system to address and treat the cause of your Migraine headaches.
To find the missing link in your immune function, I use immunological panels to identify and treat chronic infections.
I check the body for physiology abnormalities and allergies/sensitivities that lead to cravings and addictions.
Neurotransmitter and brain function imbalances can cause functional chemical abnormalities. I will address and treat this as it impacts your mood swings, depression and anxiety symptoms.
Using anti-inflammatory components, I will reduce the irritation on pained joints.
Specific areas of your brain control the muscles that stabilize your spine. It is essential these structures be strengthened for long-term success. If decompression traction didn't work or is not an option, there is still help!
I apply specific hormone testing to locate the exact point in your cycle where the problem arises. I will also assess your hormone balance to determine if bio-identical hormone therapy is appropriate for you.
I address and treat thyroid problems, cholesterol fluctuations, stress, loss of libido, erectile disfunction, hot flashes, perimenopausal symptoms - all of which can be a result of hormonal imbalances.
I apply injury rehabilitation from an anti-inflammatory perspective with focus on correction and not just pain management.
I will focus on strengthening ATP (cellular energy) within the inner ear cells of the cochlea, as lacking in ATP can lead to either a gradual or sudden impairment of the entire hearing organ. This can affect your balance system as well.
Pain “wind-up” could be the cause of your struggle, especially if you have had this pain for a long period of time. I will work to reduce or erase the pain caused by "wind-up".
I will assist you with regaining control over spontaneous electrical activity in the brain by understanding how it is affected by stress, odors, light, allergies, neurotoxins, etc.
This is caused by misfiring circuits in your brain. I will restore the function in these circuits to reset your sleep cycle.
There are several functional neurology options for your neuropathy. Helping you without medication is not only a possibility, but entirely likely.
I will enhance proper control and inhibition mechanisms in the brain in an effort to reduce unwanted movements, as well as preserve your current brain function in order to minimize further damage.
I will invoke targeted eye movement therapy involving tracking, pursuit mechanisms, optokinetics, etc. Your brain controls your eyes so therapy is based on brain function not eye position.

Experience & Expertise

  • National University of Health Sciences Graduate
  • Board Certified by the American Chiropractic Neurology Board
  • Certified by International Chiropractic Association in Spinal Trauma
  • Trained in impairment rating
  • Hundreds of hours of training in post graduate neurology
  • Hundreds of hours of training in post graduate orthopedics